Prevent X.Org from Starting in Ubuntu

Prevent X.Org from Starting in Ubuntu

If you’ve got an Ubuntu machine that you initially installed with Ubuntu Desktop, but would like to run as a server, you can just disable the graphical
environment from starting up in order to save […] Continue Reading…

Enable cupsys Web Admin Interface

Enabling cupsys Web Admin Interface

If you are trying to get your printing system going, and search for tips and docs on the web, you will find most of the documentation referring to http://localhost:631 as your cupsys administration interface. However, […] Continue Reading…

Adding a startup script to be run at bootup

So you have a script of your own that you want to run at bootup, each time
you boot up. This will tell you how to do that.
Write a script. put it in the /etc/init.d/ directory.
Lets say you called it […] Continue Reading…