Monthly Archives: January 2010

Turn off or limit the Recent Documents feature in Ubuntu

If you want to turn off the Recent Documents feature in Ubuntu, all you have to do is create a .gtkrc file in your home directory.

Then add gtk-recent-files-max-age=0 to this file.

This is documented here.
This will also work in any other linux distribution running Gnome.

Ubuntu One coming to Windows

At PyCon 2010, Ubuntu One development team will focus on helping Ubuntu users who also use a Windows box. This is great news!

Skype for Linux 2.1 beta2

Skype just released Skype for Linux 2.1 beta2 aka “Talking Screens”.
Chats are faster, UI supports switching styles on the fly, and audio is a lot better than before. You can download it here.
What’s new in this version:
– Screen sharing
– Quote a message in chat
– Localized time formats
– Support for UI styles
– Report abuse
You can view the detailed changelog here.

TIP: If you use a darker theme (I use Dust), the menus will look ugly.

skype2.png skype1.png

To fix this, go to Options (CTRL+O) and under General, select Desktop Settings or GTK+ for the style.
Restart Skype and enjoy!

Disable splash screen in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

You can disable the splash screen and instead view details about your boot process by following the next steps:
1. Edit grub

2. Locate the following line

and remove quiet and splash.
After that, the line should look like this:

3. Save and exit.

4. Now update the grub:

That’s it!