Install Nodoka (Fedora theme) on Ubuntu

1. Install build-essential and libgtk2.0-dev packages:

2. Download Nodoka GTK+ engine 0.6 from here.

3. Extract tarball package:

4. Now go to gtk-nodoka-engine-0.6 directory:

5. Configure:

6. Make:

7. Install:

Install theme

1. Get Nodoka theme 0.3.2 from here.
Then execute command in terminal:

2. Copy the Nodoka folder to themes folder:

Use theme
Click System -> Preferences -> Theme menu command. In Theme Preferences dialog, choose Nodoka item.


  1. Ubuntu! » Install Nodoka (Fedora theme) on Ubuntu (II) - pingback on January 14, 2009 at 12:39 pm

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