Monthly Archives: February 2008

Ubuntu brainstorm launched!

Ubuntu now has its own Brainstorm website where people can add their ideas and vote for their favorites.


Unp is a small perl script which makes extraction of any archive files a bit easier. It support several compressors and archiver programs, chooses the right one(s) automatically and extracts one or more files in one go.

sudo apt-get install unp

usage: unp file [file]...
file: compressed file(s) to expand

Use -- to pass arguments to external programs, eg. some tar options:
unp fastgl.tgz xmnt.tgz -- -C /tmp

Special option:
-f Continue even if program availability checks fail
-u For Debian packages:
- extract data.tar.gz after each operation
- extract control.tar.gz in control//
For other archives:
- create directory /
- extract contents there

currently supported extensions and formats are
tar[.gz,.bz2], gz, bz2, Z, ar/deb, rpm, shar, rar, arj, zip, LHa, cab, ace,
tnef, uu (mail, news), mime, hqx, sea, zoo, pmd, cpio, afio, lzop

It doesn’t extract files from RAR archives with full path!


SSHMenu is a GNOME panel applet* that keeps all your regular SSH connections within a single mouse click.

To install it on Ubuntu, add this entry to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb stable contrib
Then you have to import the repository key:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4CC00851
gpg --export --armor 4CC00851 | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
and then:
sudo apt-get install sshmenu-gnome
Here is a screenshot:


Get System Information Using the Terminal

Troubleshooting, upgrading, or just curious? Find out what’s in your system without opening the case. Using these Linux command line tools, you can get details about your hardware and distribution.

I’ve tested these commands in Ubuntu 7.10, but they should all work in other Linux distributions. Unless noted otherwise, all of this software is included by default with Ubuntu.

Graphics card:

– details about OpenGL, the Xserver, and your graphics card

– do you have direct 3d rendering?

– graphics card vendor

– specific graphics card model

– a simple 3d benchmark, prints frame rate to the terminal

– supported display resolutions


– audio controller

– more audio device information

Software versions:

– current distribution and version

– packagename’s version and dependencies

– Linux kernel version

– all kernel details


– Ethernet controllers

– networking interfaces, IP addresses, and more


– all processors, clock speeds, flags, and more

– processor load average for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes

– press C key to sort processes by CPU usage


– amount of RAM and swap, and how much is being used for what

– total, used, and free memory shown in MB

– press M key to sort processes by memory usage

Hard disks:

– partitions, as well as their mount-points and usage in GB

– all partitions, their device names, and positions on disk

USB devices:

– USB buses and attached devices

Even more:

– monitor for hardware changes

– all PCI devices

(install from package hwinfo) – overview of all hardware, as well as more detailed info

– another program for listing hardware

– lists hardware with HTML output in the w3m web browser

– current time elapsed since last reboot, users, and load average

Set Drivel to Post to Your WordPress Blog

Drivel is a nice blog editor for Gnome. To install it on Ubuntu, run this in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install drivel
Now you need to configure Drivel to connect to your blog. Go to Applications -> Internet. Select Drivel Journal Editor.
When the dialog box appears, input your username and password into the first two textboxes. For Server Type, select Movable Type from the dropdown. Now the tricky part, for the server address you will need to enter the full path to the xmlrpc.php file on the server (for example Check the Remember password checkbox and the Automatically login checkboxes (if desired) and click the Log In button.

Happy posting!

Errors from scrollkeeper during updates from gutsy?

During the updates, you receive some weird errors about scrollkeeper.
To fix this, just run the fallowing command in your terminal:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure scrollkeeper
It will take a while, but you get the job done!