Ctrl+Alt+Del to open System Monitor in Ubuntu

If you want to enable Ctrl+Alt+Del to open System Monitor you have to do this:

Go to System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts and search for “Logout” action (that is under Desktop actions) and you will see that Ctrl+Alt+Del combination is associated to Logout shortcut.
You have to click on that shortcut and press Backspace if you want to disable it or choose another combination.
Close this and open the Configuration Editor (if you have installed it you will find it under Applications->System Tools; or just run gconf-editor).
– On left tree select: apps->metacity
– Select “Global_keybindings” and search for a “run_command_X” value where X is between 1 and 12 and it is not used
– Add this value: <Control><Alt>Delete
– Now select “Keybindings_commands” on left tree. Goto “command_X” where X is the same number selected in run_command_X option.
Add this value: gnome-system-monitor

Alternative solution (I prefer this one):
Run in terminal:

  1. Metacity Journal: 2009-01-27 - …for the adult in you - pingback on January 27, 2009 at 6:54 pm
  2. That was amazingly easy. Thank you so much!

  3. Another route.

    Just got to system > preferences > Keyboard shortcuts
    Then click add. Give it whatever name you want. Command is gnome-system-monitor . Then click apply. the click and assign ctrl-alt-del to it.

    *this will only work for the account you are on.

  4. it work for me tnx!

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