Silently Download and Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

SSMS is now free and no longer requiring licensing.
It is a separate install and has a more frequent release cycle, usually around 30 days.
To be able to maintain up to date a larger number of SSMS installations I wrote a PowerShell Script for the task.
Of course that a better approach will be to make the download once and then propagate it to other servers, but for now, this works best for me.

Hope you’ll find it useful.

  1. Now that a newer version is out any thoughts on how to uninstall the old version with PowerShell to install the SSMS 18.

  2. Hi Tracy,
    To uninstall old versions of SSMS I’m using this piece of code which I shamelessly stolen from StackOverflow:

  3. Can this be automated on remote server without winrm?

  4. You can use ssh (
    The bottom line is to have a way to execute commands on a remote system.

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