Category Archives: Ubuntu - Page 2

Search and remove duplicate files

Here a small piece of code which will search for the duplicates in the path you supply. It will generate a new file which contains the commands for deleting those duplicates.
Make sure you double check the resulting file!
The script requires that you have fdupes installed.
Install it in Ubuntu/Debian by running the following command in your terminal:

Karmic Koala Beta on ThinkPad T61

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 Beta on my LENOVO ThinkPad T61 64608NG.
Here is what I found so far, in two days of intensive usage:

Quadro NVS 140M – 2D and 3D acceleration: tested and works.
Wireless switch: tested and works.
Sound: tested and works.
Enabling touchpad on/off key (fn-f8): not working.
Enabling Active Protection System: works by installing tp_smapi.
Read the complete guide here.
Fingerprint Reader: install thinkfinger-tools and libpam-thinkfinger from the repository and everything works.
Network Card Intel 10/100/1000: tested and works.
Wireless Intel PRO/4965AG: tested and works.
Card reader: not tested.

UPDATE: Power level of the fingerprint reader is set to on by default, so it gets hot pretty fast. Use one of the scripts here to set it to auto at boot time.
Note that the path /sys/class/usb_*/*/device is no longer working. Instead, use /sys/class/usbmon/usbmon*/device/usb*/*.
Here is the complete script for that, taken from and modified to reflect the new path.

How to fix menu icons in GNOME 2.28

In the latest release of GNOME, they decided to turn off icons in menus by default. This is ugly and if you ask me, not practical at all.
However, you can get those icons back by going to System → Preferences → Appearance, and under the Interface tab, you can check the box “Show icons in menus”. The new GNOME also removes stock icons from buttons. The the above option does not put them back.
To enable icons in menus and butttons, run in your terminal:

before_2009-10-05-085517_1120x832_scrot before_2009-10-05-085452_1120x832_scrot
after_0-05-085605_1120x832_scrot after_0-05-085554_1120x832_scrot

Remove all settings for Evolution

Here is a small script to remove all your Evolution settings:

Next time you open Evolution, you will be prompted to add a new account.

Fix Google Earth 5.0 user interface font on Linux

I installed Google Earth 5.0 and the ugly UI font from the beta is still here.
Based on the comments from Google Earth Help page from here I’ve created the following script wich will fix the user interface font issue.

HOWTO Force fsck on the Next Reboot

fsck is used to check and optionally repair one or more Linux file systems.
By creating /forcefsck file you will force the Linux system (or rc scripts) to perform a full file system check.
Create a file called forcefsck:

Thinkpad HDAPS in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

One of the cool features in a Thinkpad is IBM Active Protection System.
The system consist of two parts. The driver that enables reading the acceleration data and some sort of userspace software that does the actual parking of the harddrive heads, usually hdapsd.
The hdaps driver is part of the kernel but the driver maintainers actually recommend using the tp-smapi driver instead. So that’s what we’ll do.
Make sure you have the necessary tools installed:

The tp-smapi is in the package repository (universe):

This will fetch and install the tp-smapi-source package, unpack the source and then compile and install the kernel module.

Try loading it:

The kernel log should show something like this:

For some reason some configuration for udev is missing. Fix this by running:

Now for the userspace stuff. First let us test if APS is actually working.

This will install hdaps-pivot or hdaps-gl which you can use to verify that the sensors are working.
You can also test this by running this in your terminal (stop it with pressing CTRL + C):

Next we need to update the hdapsd. The one provided in Jaunty is old. There is a PPA with newer versions.

Add the PPA key:

Update the package list and install the package:

Install gnome-hdaps-applet (optional).
There is a PPA for this. You can add it like this:

Add the key:

Update the package list again and install the packages:


Android applications running on Ubuntu

500px-android-logosvg Canonical will develop an environment wich will allow Andoid applications to run on Ubuntu. Source.
Also, HP considers dropping Windows for Android in netbooks. Source.

Random crash of the X server in Jaunty

I experienced a lot of random X server crashes using the proprietary driver for the NVIDIA graphic card on my Thinkpad T61 running Ubuntu 9.04 x86 with Compiz activated.
I managed to fix the problem by installing the lastest NVIDIA driver. I wrote a little script to automate the process and save time. I recommend you to run this in command line mode. Here it is:

Custom usplash resolution in Ubuntu

Recently I made a clean install of Ubuntu 9.04 on my Thinkpad T61.
I configured the figerprint, the accelerometer is reporting correct values.
I did not like the default resolution at boot. So I created a custom usplash.conf file:

I should contain these lines:

The next step was to update the “initial RAM disk”, that is used when the system boots up:

Next, I modified my /boot/grub/menu.lst file.
I added as a parameter for the current kernel the value vga=872:

Nice and clean!