Category Archives: Ubuntu - Page 4

Install Nodoka (Fedora theme) on Ubuntu (II)

I was explaining here how to install Nodoka theme on Ubuntu.
Or you can use this small script I made to automate this.

PS: You need to have libsexy-dev installed. If not, just run this command in your terminal:

I hope you’ll find it usefull.
Here is the script:

Howto Change Ubuntu Forced fsck

In Ubuntu the boot hard disk is checked every 20 boots. I have to boot my laptop quite often, so about once a week booting takes more than 10 minutes. This clearly sucks. Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix this. With tune2fs it is possible to change the interval from mount-times to timed interval:

Install Flash in Songbird

If you have installed Songbird by hand, automatic instalation of flash will not work. Here’s a quick fix.

Under Windows:
Open Songbird and paste in the location bar at the top of the library or browser. Follow the installation process.

Under Linux:
Flash on Linux got a whole lot better with Flash Player 10. Go to the Macromedia site, and download Flash 10 for Linux. Decompress the .tar.gz file. If you run the installer – it will install the plugin for supported web browsers (Firefox, Mozilla, etc.), but it will not auto-detect Songbird. To install it for Songbird, copy the to your Songbird application folder’s plugins directory. So if you have Songbird installed in ~/Songbird, copy it to ~/Songbird/plugins.
Restart Songbird, and you should be back in business!

Ubuntu Forums Menu

Just found about this add-on: Ubuntu Forums Menu.
The extension adds additional navigation menu for Ubuntu Forums via main-menu and context to Firefox.
Get it from here.

No virtualbox kernel driver after kernel upgrade

After kernel upgrade, your VirtualBox modules will not be updated.
As a result, your virtual machines will not work.
Here is a quick fix. Run this in your terminal:

Terminator – nice multi terminal application for Linux

Hi folks!

I’ve been using Terminator for quite a long time now and I find it very usefull.

Install it in Ubuntu by running:

There is a feature I would like to see in the future releases: saving the layout of the window or maybe a way to start the application with the predefined number of tabs.

Cannot use USB devices on Virtualbox 2 in Intrepid

There is a quick fix if you get some USB related errors when opening Preferences in Virtualbox 2.
You only have to add these lines in your /etc/fstab file:

Ubuntu 8.10 on Lenovo ThinkPad T61

Just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my T61. Works great!
I hated that bloated Vista Business!

Items that work out of the box:
– Nvidia: 2D works, 3D requires the installation of the proprietary drivers (nVidia Quadro NVS 140)
– Wireless: Atheros card
– Bluetooth keys
– Brightness keys
– Network Card Intel 10/100/1000
– Firewire
– Wireless switch
– 4-in-1 card reader

Worked with some simple tweaking:
– fingerprint reader for login and sudo

1. Install latest thinkfinger packages:

2. Update the pam configuration files:

3. Restart computer
4. Enroll your fingerprint (creates $HOME/.thinkfinger.bir)

5. Check fingerprint enrollment

My custom bash prompt (PS1)

Pimp out Linux / UNIX shell prompt!
You can find a nice guide here, and a nice collection here.
Here is mine:

Have fun!

aria2 – wget and curl replacement

aria2 is a command line utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent (DHT, PEX, MSE/PE), and Metalink. To install it on Ubuntu, just type in terminal: